Law Society Member? Take 50 free checks, on us.

Make your compliance process a competitive advantage and deliver a client experience worthy of your firm’s reputation. All while cutting your onboarding time from days to minutes, securely. Leave your details with us to get access to 50 of any combination of Thirdfort Enhanced NFC ID, Original ID, or Source of Funds checks.

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Join over 1000 regulated businesses that rely on Thirdfort for AML and ID verification

Why use Thirdfort?


Thirdfort frees your staff from manually handling time-consuming client verification, allowing them to get back to doing what they do best. Start winning back your time today.


Regulated and authorised by the FCA. Use the same government-grade technology as the UK Home Office to make compliance with the latest regulations easier and faster.


Offer your clients a seamless experience. Let our in-house support team take care of the following up and handling any issues. Make your client's first touch point a competitive advantage.

Thirdfort gives us a much more robust system to spot fraud attempts which is particularly relevant given the increasing sophistication of fake documents.

Harvey Harding, PM Property Lawyers

Since implementing Thirdfort’s data solution, Mishcon’s onboarding period…has been reduced from days to minutes with a reduction in cost and an increase in client NPS.

Rowena Herdman-Smith, Mishcon de Reya LLP

Explore our products

Thirdfort's AML, Source of Funds and ID verification solutions have been built with lawyers in mind.

  • ID Verification

    With our range of ID checks, you can keep your business moving while protecting your firm from fraud and its repercussions.

  • Source of Funds

    Gain instant and secure access to six months of your clients' bank statements with Open Banking technology.

  • PEPs and Sanctions

    We tap into thousands of live data sources to screen individuals and companies, so you know exactly who you’re dealing with.

  • Company Checks

    Get the full picture on your business clients with rapid and reliable beneficial owner results in an easy-to-use report.

How it works

Step 1

Select the ID verification you need through our portal or partner platform.

Step 2

Your client will receive an SMS with instructions to download our app.

Step 3

Next, they’ll complete the requested ID verification in our app.

Step 4

Once they’re finished, you'll receive a report with clear, actionable results.

Get your first 50 checks for free

If you'd like to see Thirdfort in action we’d be happy to walk you through it. Leave your details with us and our team will be in touch.