No more risky business(es)
Build a complete picture with Beneficial Owner discovery, sanctions screening, red flags highlighted and verification of individuals in a few clicks.

Join over 1,500 regulated businesses relying on us for client verification
Fast reviews
Highlight red flags and present results in an easy-to-interpret report.
Ownership charts built for you
Unravel complex ownership structures in under a minute.
Verify individuals quickly
With directors and owners uncovered, verify their identities in a few clicks.
Thirdfort has hugely improved our efficiency in verifying the vast majority of clients and made complying with regulations simple and secure. Everything we need is now in one report.
Company and red flag summary
Understand the nature of your client’s business and have risk indicators highlighted for you.
Detailed UBO report
Demystify complex ownership structures so you know who you’re dealing with.
One workflow to verify individuals
Verify key individuals within any company, with results tied to your company report.
AML screening
Instantly screen your corporate clients for sanctions and adverse media and monitor any changes on an ongoing basis.
How it works
Step 1
Search for a corporate entity, wherever they are based.
Step 2
We’ll look at sanctions databases, establish beneficial owners and collect requested documents.
Step 3
You’ll receive your completed report back in seconds containing everything you need.
Step 4
Easily verify and screen directors and beneficial owners in a few clicks.
Identify and verify owners in minutes
90% of reports on companies return in under a minute. Take the risk out of working with companies, without slowing things down.